Holy Ponderings

A Good Day

Sometimes I disappear from here on the weekends. It is not because I am slacking.

This past Saturday I spent the day in Sunnyvale. I was there to lead a retreat day for the liturgical ministers at the Church of the Resurrection. About a hundred people came out to hear what I had to say.

I always seem to come away from these events feeling that I have benefitted more than the participants. In articulating what I believe about my faith, I find my own values reinforced, and my convictions re-charged. After all those summers in ministry at St Meinrad, I believe in Christian hospitality. It lives at the heart of everything we do as people of God. The ongoing work of welcoming all persons as Christ has a way of forming us. Sincere acts of invitation and welcome make us more caring, engaged members of the human race. I reminded these ministers that everything we do is hospitality.

On Saturday afternoon, I listened to cantors. I offered each my suggestions on ways each singer might invest more deeply in his or her craft. Again I received more than I gave. This two-hour refresher course reminded me of all that I should be doing when I sing. Men and women of all ages gathered in that parish chapel to laugh, sing, learn, and they ended up teaching me. They reminded me that, in singing, I have a special job. The beauty of God’s love, truth, and mercy must be shared with all. In turn, all must be invited to join in the song. It’s up to me to sing with sincerity of heart and clarity of voice.

Every time.

Janèt Sullivan Whitaker Music