Between You and Me

All is Quiet on New Year’s Day

Sometimes there is no way of knowing that, when you are in the midst of something challenging, just how much of a relief it will be when it is all over. 2021 was like that. The whole year.

The months that followed the initial lockdown in March of 2020 began a numb, blurry procession through the seasons of Spring, Summer and Fall. I didn’t mention Winter because it seems like we never had one. We had many fires, and the smoke made for terrible air. We had little hope that the rains would ever come again. And, just like that, it was over and we were into 2021.

Now, a whole year afterJanuary 1st of 2021,a bright new day blooms, announcing that the earth (and her inhabitants) has survived another trip around the sun. The soil in the garden is moist from the recent rains. My freesia bulbs are starting to send up bright baby shoots. On my walk I must have passed a dozen people who were smiling, walking dogs, or just taking out the trash – and each with a bright “How ya doin’?” to offer. I stopped to pet lots of dogs – each more beautiful and precious as the last. The brief exchanges always ended with “Happy New Year!” followed by some version of “Stay safe!” It just felt like a cheerier world, even though it was only the region surrounding my little neighborhood.

Maybe I am walking a bit differently. I believe I am. In holding my head and chest high, shoulders back, and wearing relaxed smile on my lips, it feels like I am doing a good thing. I will keep trying to make long, smooth strides, and do a little more each day. I enjoy feeling the muscles in my legs, arms, and torso. It’s just walking, but it all feels good.

Maybe that’s it. In the moment where I presently find myself alive and breathing, there are reasons to be joyful. If that is the downbeat for this year, I am all in.

Janèt Sullivan Whitaker Music