Between You and Me

Brand New Stuff

It feels like New New Year’s Day. I just had both of my computers repaired, the Steinway is tuned, and my kitchen is clean. It probably doesn’t sound like much, but it feels like une grande jetée to me.

No Strangers Here was “declined” for publication by OCP. Rather than roll up into a weepy ball and suck my thumb (metaphorically speaking), I wrote back to them and asked why. And when they told me, I asked still more questions and gave them more information. I know they are really great people. But sometimes I feel profoundly misunderstood. Today, I decided to be more helpful. It may not do anything to change the collective mind of the review panel, but I feel good about articulating my position, and revealing my true motivation for being so earnest.

Fr Ray Zielezienski died this past week. I wonder how they will celebrate his life with all the social distancing requirements. I believe Ray wanted me to do something with his music. It’s in writing somewhere. The staff is probably busy figuring it out. Meanwhile, I will just wait for a call from the St Joan office. They have my number.

I am enjoying this MacBook Pro. It has a brand new brain, a new battery, and a reason to go on living. All good.

Janèt Sullivan Whitaker Music