Spirit Muse

The Ministry of Our Young

Today I am thinking about the many young people in my life. What a privilege it has been to know them in the course of my life’s work! I feel a thrill of excitement at what lies ahead for them, brimming, as they are, with boundless potential and yet-conceived dreams. I wonder about the challenges they will face as keepers of the world they inherit. 

The storms of our present age cause me deep concern. What will become of our planet? Our democracy? The living faith of the church? Admittedly biased, I pray that every young life will include the adventure of learning to play a musical instrument and using that gift as an expression of lively faith. I hope they will enjoy the visceral pleasure of singing or dancing or creating art. I know God wants this for them.

If our young people are to discover the joys of the arts, they need our involvement. I pray for those whose work it is to teach the young. Their love for language leads eager minds to the power and intimacy of the written, sung, and spoken word. I remember the teachers who saw the fire in me, and sought to foster it. Artistic expression brings an added measure of richness and meaning to life. In turn, helps us to see beauty in world around us.

I give thanks for the eternal love of God that brings these blessings to birth.

Janèt Sullivan Whitaker Music